
Instructor Data Analytics: the most boring conference presentation tile in the history of this conference, ever.

 Link to most recent conference slides: A list of quotes that I thought about including:   A bundle of bookmarks related to this presentation and related topics.  Not that curated:   Here is the plain text of my slides.  I apologize that the images are missing and have not been replaced with captions. Instructor Analytics in Learning Management Systems Surveillance, Instructor Autonomy and Resistance Canvas makes an announcement So four years ago, the then-president of Instructure Dan Goldsmith announced that the company was going to become a data analytics company.   They also were moving into the corporate learning space with a product called Bridge, which was subsequently sold.  Instructure is always expanding, looking for untapped markets and

Notes, essays, and the inevitability of loss, forgetting and fading identity

Some ideas that are percolating right now: CGP Grey and Myke talk about notes .  In the midst of this discussion they get talking about what constitutes a note, and use the term "atomic notes." "If you're writing a note, shouldn't that note be in the project you are working on?" " The Zettel-zealots "  "I am here as just like a value vampire, to extract whatever value I can" I take a lot of notes for classes I teach using Goodnotes on the Ipad, but due to limitations of the interface and my laziness, I tend to not do much more than highlight key passages and then never get around to jotting down notes.  However, reading chapters in Apple Books allows me to highlight passages and put them in the Notes app, where I can then make slides.  These slides, in turn, make me look organized and reduce the anxiety associated with teaching. Zettelkasten:  the promise of creating a place for all of your notes that will, at some point, almost automagic